The materials on this website are presented to provide overview information regarding Drillcore Energy Partners, LLC ("Drillcore"), its affiliates, partners and staff, and portfolio companies. This website contains general information about Drillcore for management teams and individuals considering possible employment with our firm. Neither this website nor its content is or should be construed as an offer, recommendation or solicitation to sell or purchase securities, an interest in any security or investment product. The information contained on this website, including descriptions of portfolio companies, is not intended to recommend any company or investment described herein and should not be used as the basis for any investment decisions. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This website and its contents are not and should not be construed as investment advice or the provision of investment advisory services. This website and its contents are not and should not be construed as an offering or a part of any securities offering document, and should not be relied upon to supplement, amend or otherwise form a part of such document. All information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. Information about investing in Drillcore funds is only available in the form of private placement memoranda and other offering documents.

The title “Advisor” is not intended to indicate that a team member with this title is a partner, principal or employee of Drillcore or any Drillcore fund or other affiliate. Advisors may provide expertise to Drillcore and its portfolio companies. They may be independent contractors or employees of current or former portfolio companies and may have business or investment activities unrelated to Drillcore, its affiliates, partner and staff, and portfolio companies.

This website contains hyperlinks to news articles or other information produced by, and websites of, third parties. These hyperlinks are provided as a convenience and do not imply Drillcore’s sponsorship or approval of any of these websites or their content and are provided for informational purposes only. Drillcore, its affiliates, partners, staff, and portfolio companies assume no responsibility for the content of the information contained in any such source or through any such hyperlink or for any other materials on the third-party website. Drillcore has no control over or responsibility for other websites or linked publications that may be accessible from this website, the contents thereof, their security or privacy policies, or any products/services that may be offered by them. If you access any third party website through this website or because it is referred to in this website, you do so at your own risk. Inclusion of such hyperlinks does not imply a recommendation or endorsement of the information contained in any such source or through any such hyperlink or for any other materials on the third-party website. Drillcore, its affiliates, partners, staff, and portfolio companies make no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained in any such source or through any such hyperlink or for any other materials on the third-party website.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results and no representation is made that an investor will or is likely to achieve results that are similar to those of Drillcore’s previous funds.